Pre-arrival information for MSc Adult Nursing students
A very warm welcome to the MSc Adult Nursing (pre-registration) programme in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at The University of Manchester.
Your programme will be a combination of face-to-face contact and online learning during your theory weeks. You will have plenty of opportunities to meet the rest of your cohort and get to know them, but also ample opportunity to work independently at a time and location that is convenient to you.
Your face-to-face learning will take the format of highly interactive seminars, where you will be encouraged to discuss and debate with your peers. Your online learning will include directed reading, videos, discussion boards, and self-test quizzes.
We are so looking forward to meeting you all in September.
If you have any questions at all, please drop me an email.
Dr Jane Griffiths
Programme Director, MSc Adult Nursing (pre-registration)
Dr Jane Griffiths
Programme Director
Essential pre-arrival information
Welcome and induction timetables
Disclosure and Barring Service
A condition of your entry (and continuation) onto the MSc programme is for an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to take place and the disclosure be deemed satisfactory.
You will receive an automated link via e-mail to the online DBS application form which you MUST complete before your arrival at university. You will be asked to identify the documents you are using for validation and MUST bring original copies of these to university with you.
You will be sent instructions on making an appointment to complete your check during your initial weeks on the programme, and you must bring the original copies of the documents you have listed in your application with you.
It is extremely important that you read the guidance and understand what ID documents (PDF) you can use for validation. If you are unsure about your documentation, please contact us.
For further information about the programme's policies regarding DBS checks and disclosures, please see Disclosure and Barring Service checks. The information at this link refers to our undergraduate BNurs courses, but the same information also applies to the MSc Adult Nursing course.
Occupational Health
Your entry to and continuation on the programme is subject to satisfactory health clearance to attend both theory and practice. You will have already completed a health questionnaire and sent this to our Occupational Health department.
During Semester 1, you will receive details of your initial 15-minute remote health consultation. This will be followed by a 15-minute face-to-face consultation. Attendance at these consultations is mandatory and must be completed before you can go out into practice.
If you have any concerns about a health condition/issue and its impact on your ability to undertake the course, please contact the Occupational Health Department as early as possible in the application process.
Additional information
During your nursing course, you will be expected to develop your knowledge through extensive reading and individual study.
As soon as you have completed the registration process, you will have access to Blackboard, which is the application we use to give you access to all the materials relating to your study on the programme. You will find reading lists within each of your units in Blackboard.
As an MSc student you will go on a range of practice placements during your degree. Read more about practice placements including information on shift patterns, a placement map and mentorship.
Guidance on professional conduct for Nursing and Midwifery students
Details of NHS financial support available for healthcare students can be found at the NHS website.